Iwo Jima Memorial

Welcome! This is the home of the world-famous (well, maybe locally well-known) SLR.

Our start time is at 8:00 AM until next summer! Every Saturday we meet at North Meade Street Park, a small park northwest of the USMC War Memorial (Iwo Jima Memorial) in Rosslyn. The closest address for mapping purposes is 1300 Arlington Blvd, and street parking is available in the neighborhoods adjacent to N. Meade Street. Be mindful of parking signs, since Arlington County enforces them enthusiastically, and please do not park on Marine Memorial Circle (inside Iwo Jima), because this parking area is for memorial use only. At least one porta-john is available year-round near the Iwo Jima Memorial, and the memorial's water fountain is usually on during the summer.

We run rain or shine! In cases of extreme weather (snow, ice, thunderstorms, heat waves) we do occasionally either change our meeting time or cancel the run for safety, but the run will be held as planned unless otherwise posted via email/twitter/facebook and here on the SLR web page.

All are welcome! We're an informal group, and there are no requirements for speed, racing experience, or what distance means "long" for you, other than the suggested route that most of our group will be running each week. If you don't want to run the same distance or course as the main group, you can go out for half of your own target distance and re-trace your steps back to Iwo Jima. More specific route info and mileage options will be given in the email/post preceding each Saturday's run. SLR always features a run from our extensive Route Catalog, which gives us a wide range of options to keep things fresh for you each week. We have routes that are flat, hilly, looped, out & back, roads, sidewalks, trails, and more, reaching all around the local area of DC, VA, and MD!

For more details about Saturday Long Runs please read our Frequently Asked Questions to get a sense for what it's like to run with us, or send an email to Anna if you have any other questions that are not covered.

To receive weekly SLR updates via email, please log in and check your email subscriptions.


Date Miles Route Map Navigation Downloads Post/Mid-Run Beverages
9/7 20 Ross Drive: Extended Cue Sheet & GPS Don J.
9/14 15 Iron Triangle Cue Sheet & GPS  
9/21 16 Mock MCM Cue Sheet & GPS  Mid: Kam Yee
9/28 18 Anacostia Riverwalk Loop Cue Sheet & GPS  Mid: Dara Schulman
10/5 22 Big Loop Cue Sheet & GPS  
10/12 14 Capital Crescent OaB Cue Sheet & GPS  
10/19 10 Chain Bridge Loop Cue Sheet & GPS  
10/26 12 RFK Cue Sheet & GPS  

SLR: **Metro Route** The Awakening

Hello Saturday Long Runners!

For those of you who only read the first sentence of this e-mail: This week's route is point to point and will require a metro card! I've got some spares with $2.50 loaded on them (the max weekend fare) so if you don't have a metro card, no need to run out and buy one tonight. I'll have them before the start and will drop a few off at mid-run drinks in case anyone decides to switch plans last minute. We're looking at some absolutely fabulous weather this weekend as part of our false fall! Though we have some drink stops on this route, please bring hydration! Now let's get into it:

The Route: Ever driven across that massive bridge between National Harbor and Alexandria and wished you could run over it instead because 495 traffic is so gosh darn slow? Miss when The Awakening used to be at the end of Hains Point so at least there was something interesting out there? Well this is the week for you with The Awakening (strava, gps, pdf) We'll travel down the Mount Vernon Trail to Alexandria and across the Wilson Bridge to National Harbor. After giving The Awakening the biggest high five, we'll head back across and to the Braddock Road Metro station to take the Blue Line back to the Rosslyn station.

Don't Have the Time for the Metro Tomorrow? An out and back on the Mount Vernon Trail is also a lovely way to start off your morning! Although you'll miss out on the adventure to Maryland, the Mount Vernon trail is the happiest place on earth on a cool summer morning. We've got at least one Marathon Training Program group doing an out and back and I expect more folks will as well.

Want a Longer Route? It's a perfect 24 mile out and back if you don't take the metro for anyone who needs some peak week marathon mileage! Otherwise, continuing along the Blue Line towards Rosslyn will allow you to get in some extra miles and cut down the commute. For about 18 miles, continue up Washington until it becomes Abington Street and take Slater's Lane to the Potomac Yard trail and metro stop (the newest in the DC area)! Crystal City is also a great option for anyone looking to go around 20 miles, just follow the Mount Vernon Trail up to the Crystal City connector and get off there to be plopped in front of the metro station.

Need Something Shorter? There isn't a great way to get less mileage on this route and still go into National Harbor, but turning around partially across the bridge or after getting into Maryland will allow you to cut off between 1-2 miles. Otherwise there are plenty of earlier metro stations to peel off at if you want to save your legs for the Club Picnic later that afternoon.

Thirsty? Thank you so much to all our drink volunteers this week! Thanks to Yared for having drinks available at the start and end of the run in North Meade Park. Ruby will also be under the Wilson Bridge with mid-run drinks this week! She's the co-lead for the club picnic and spending her entire day with DCRR! If you want to hit her again on the way back before the metro, this will add about a mile to the route (and can be cut a little shorter by getting on at King Street instead of Braddock Road). There's a few additional water fountains on the route, most notably along the Mount Vernon Trail near the airport, under the Wilson Bridge, and (possibly) just across the Wilson Bridge (though 50/50 that it's on). Make sure to thank all our volunteers and take advantage as the other options are limited!

Need a Bathroom? There are a few excellent options (and some that are, well, less excellent). Starting off with my favorite public bathrooms in the greater DC Area (and yes, this is saying a lot): there are some incredible restrooms located under the Wilson Bridge that have always been reliably clean and open. Gravelly Point also has some portopotties and there are usually additional ones across the Wilson Bridge (but seriously, use the ones under the bridge, or just go check them out and have a glimmer of hope for what public restrooms could look like).

The next club race is the Club Picnic and Cross Country Three Miler tomorrow evening! Take your new metro card from SLR and use it to ride out to Vienna and do a quick warmup jog to Nottoway Park for the festivities. This is one of the biggest club events of the year and we can't do it without a lot of volunteers (which according to the website we're currently good on, thanks to everyone helping out)!

Happy Running!



SLR: 14 Miles Southeast DC

Hello Saturday Long Runners!

It's Nate, your faithful ersatz SLR leader...I am jealous of Anna as she is currently running around one of my favorite cities (one million internet points if you can guess where without looking at strava!) so I am here to kick off once again this week!

Where Are We Going This Time? This week we'll be treated to a nice tour of the Wharf and the southern portion of the Anacostia Riverwalk as we take on Southeast DC (strava, gps, pdf). We'll head into the city via the Memorial Bridge, head down L'Enfant Plaza and through the Wharf to get to the Frederick Douglass Memorial Bridge, make our way up the Anacostia Riverwalk and across the John Phillip Sousa Bridge (possibly the most random person this side of Sen. Francis Case to get a DC bridge named after him?), before heading to the Capitol via Pennsylvania Avenue and back to North Meade Park via the Mall.

Want Less? This is the perfect route to bring your SmarTrip card, as we will pass four Orange/Blue Line Metro stops: Potomac Avenue (8.5 miles), Eastern Market (9 miles), Capitol South (10 miles) and Smithsonian (11 miles). Even if you are planning to run the full route, it's never a bad idea to bring one in case you need a heat-related bailout. Of course, you can also do an out-and-back of any length if you would prefer, but the river crossings make this a route that you can not easily modify otherwise.

Want More? Adding the rest of the Anacostia Riverwalk (up to Benning Road) and then coming back via Pennsylvania Avenue will get you 4 extra miles. You can also do any of the usual mall-area modifications, like adding Hains or heading back over Key.

Parched? There are water fountains at the pirate ship playground (~7.5 miles) as well as at Eastern Market metro (9 miles) -- this one is set back from the road a bit in the park area so you may not notice it at first glance. I'm told the mall fountains are largely off (thanks for nothing, park rangers) so probably a good idea to carry today!

Swimming Eyeballs? The pirate ship playground also has well-appointed restrooms, and we will also pass the "welp...they're there" restrooms by the Washington Monument. In a pinch, there are plenty of shops along Pennsylvania Avenue that will let you use theirs if you ask nicely (and don't drip on anything). Anna's personal favorite is in the foreign language section at Capitol Hill Books.

Happy Running, and have a blast!



SLR: 18 Miles Rock Creek MBT

Hello Saturday Long Runners!

If Debby's gotten you down the past few days, fear not! We shouldn't have any rain tomorrow morning and will hopefully have some cooler temperatures (or at least ones that don't rise as fast, no guarantee on it feeling all that pleasant). That not enough reason to join? We've also got Alexander Hetherington, race director for MCM, coming out to join us on a long run (and probably answer any and all questions about the race). Now let's get into it:

The Route: I know I say very often that the route we're doing is my favorite (getting people excited to run is part of the gig), but if you really made me choose Rock Creek MBT (strava, gps, pdf) takes the cake (insert "Wow Anna of course you like the 18+ milers" here). We'll head up Rock Creek Park to Beach Drive then turn right onto Blagden Ave up a long hill (but not nearly as long as the one for the Olympic marathon, shoutout to the SLR regulars tackling that course this weekend!) before making our way to Gallatin Street. We'll cross the city via Gallatin (be mindful that although Gallatin is a relatively low-trafficked road we will cross some major throughways like Georgia and New Hampshire Ave) then head down the Metropolitan Branch Trail to the Capitol. From here we'll complete our perfect loop of DC by running across the Mall to the Memorial Bridge and back to the park via the cemetery. Why is this route the best, you may be asking yourself? You'll just have to see for yourself in the morning.

Want Something Shorter? Another favorite route of mine (and seemingly everyone else as well) is Ross Drive, which will allow you to stay with the group for the first sixish miles before continuing up Beach Drive and coming back down Ross Drive and Ridge Road for a 15 mile lollipop loop.There are also a plethora of metro stops down the MBT and along the Mall that makes bailing after 9 miles easy (just make sure to bring a shirt and a metro card)!

Need a Longer Route? If 18 isn't enough for you, returning across the 14th Street Bridge and coming up the Mount Vernon Trail to Rosslyn will add another two miles for an even 20. For even more, add on an out and back or a loop of Ross Drive in Rock Creek Park for some extra miles and some extra hills.

Thirsty? We've got mid-run drinks this week thanks to Sean Hicks! He'll be out around the corner of the MBT and Gallatin. We'll also have post run drinks thanks to Yared! Either I have been living under a rock or there are some new water fountains at Peirce Mill near the bathrooms (I mean, they definitely exist, whether or not they've been there for years is the question). Otherwise there are some options along the MBT that I believe are open year round, but with the impending weather you really never know. What is for certain is that the fountains along the Mall are off and the ones inside of Union Station are on. The safest bet, of course, is to bring water, or risk eating some snow!

Need a Bathroom? Peirce Mill around mile 5 and Union Station around mile 14 are my two go-tos along this route. There are also usually some portopotties outside of the Dew Drop Inn, which can be a gamechanger in a pinch! The Metropolitan Branch Trail has a few bathrooms along the way that are questionably available in the morning hours, but worth a shot.

The Bunion Derby race is the Paul Thurston 4.5 Miler around Burke Lake on August 13th! Jerry still needs plenty ofvolunteers to help out, get your Bunion Derby credit out of the way and enjoy the trails! The joint DCRR-PVTC Track Meet this Sunday has also been moved from Yorktown to W&L after renovation delays, signups are still open (but no volunteers needed, thanks to everyone who is helping out).

Happy Running!



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Upcoming Events

DCRR Gar Williams Half Marathon
Sun, Dec 1st, 2024, @9:00am
DCRRC Bread Run 10K & Gingerbread 2-Miler
Sun, Dec 8th, 2024, @10:00am
Book Club
Sun, Dec 8th, 2024, @4:00pm
DCRRC Predictions & Resolutions 5K
Wed, Jan 1st, 2025, @12:00pm
 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.