2012 Peter Samp Memorial 5K

St. Anselm's Abbey School
Washington, DC
April 28, 2012

Please send corrections to dylan@dcroadrunners.org.

# First Last G Age AG Chip Time Gun Time OA Pl G Pl AG Pl Award
10556 Michael Laskowski M 16 13-19 #N/A 18:46.9 1 1 1 Overall M 1
10549 Blaise Fortier M 17 13-19 #N/A 18:51.7 2 2 2 13-19 M 1
10506 Jack Anninos M 16 13-19 #N/A 19:03.5 3 3 3 13-19 M 2
10530 Bryan Taylor M 35 30-39 #N/A 19:35.3 4 4 1 30-39 M 1
10482 John Recchia M 17 13-19 20:05.8 20:06.0 5 5 4 13-19 M 3
10447 Stephen Richer M 26 20-29 #N/A 20:39.6 6 6 1 20-29 M 1
10473 Joseph Mariani M 27 20-29 20:38.5 20:43.0 7 7 2 20-29 M 2
10537 Tariq Ford M 17 13-19 21:31.6 21:33.3 8 8 5
10570 Benjamin Oh M 15 13-19 21:39.6 21:41.6 9 9 6
10583 Conor Hearn M 17 13-19 21:43.3 21:43.5 10 10 7
10431 Cuatro Johnston M 14 13-19 21:57.8 21:59.0 11 11 8
10543 Michael Senerchid M 17 13-19 23:03.5 23:05.9 12 12 9
10528 Jacob Wasserman M 18 13-19 #N/A 23:12.1 13 13 10
10516 Erik Raven-Hansen M 31 30-39 23:35.1 23:40.6 14 14 2 30-39 M 2
10571 Tom Vanden Brook M 50 50-59 23:38.2 23:46.5 15 15 1 50-59 M 1
10567 Bear Bowes M 51 50-59 23:56.6 23:59.3 16 16 2 50-59 M 2
10541 Stephen Kpundea M 14 13-19 24:07.3 24:09.0 17 17 11
10438 Alexander Grimaldi M 16 13-19 24:08.3 24:10.1 18 18 12
10574 Terry Costello M 51 50-59 24:17.6 24:20.7 19 19 3 50-59 M 3
10589 Adam Reed M 18 13-19 24:18.7 24:21.0 20 20 13
10569 Peter Samp M 60 60-69 24:17.6 24:23.5 21 21 1 60-69 M 1
10449 Ariadne Cerritelli F 21 20-29 24:29.1 24:31.1 22 1 1 Overall F 1
10467 Montse Puig F 43 40-49 24:28.4 24:32.3 23 2 1 40-49 F 1
10565 Jim Kylis M 55 50-59 24:59.0 25:09.8 24 22 4
10434 Hayden Dangle M 9 12 & U #N/A 25:21.6 25 23 1 12 & U M 1
10555 Matthew Laskowski M 12 12 & U 25:26.6 25:27.5 26 24 2 12 & U M 2
10454 Jeffrey Wilbur M 34 30-39 25:27.4 25:36.1 27 25 3 30-39 M 3
10450 Dave Roderer M 43 40-49 25:36.4 25:39.9 28 26 1 40-49 M 1
10588 Adrian Harris Crowne M 38 30-39 25:33.0 25:40.8 29 27 4
10496 Maurin Mwombela M 16 13-19 25:43.4 25:45.5 30 28 14
10514 Jonathan Lorentz M 14 13-19 25:47.8 25:48.8 31 29 15
10560 Brian Murphy M 16 13-19 26:01.4 26:02.6 32 30 16
10502 Matthew Huerta M 15 13-19 #N/A 26:03.6 33 31 17
10552 Ed Peter M 58 50-59 26:05.7 26:13.3 34 32 5
10538 Kirk Otterson M 52 50-59 26:09.1 26:13.6 35 33 6
10550 Samuel Sherman M 16 13-19 26:13.7 26:23.3 36 34 18
10465 R. Padriac Springuel M 32 30-39 26:27.0 26:37.3 37 35 5
10551 Ignacio Gonzalez M 44 40-49 26:31.4 26:43.8 38 36 2 40-49 M 2
10546 Jack Butler M 16 13-19 27:01.1 27:07.6 39 37 19
10487 Tom Mahaffey M 58 50-59 27:17.5 27:24.7 40 38 7
10509 Alexander Foley M 10 12 & U 27:11.9 27:28.5 41 39 3 12 & U M 3
10442 Maureen Dalbec F 45 40-49 27:27.2 27:32.4 42 3 2 40-49 F 2
10427 Geoffrey Hill M 37 30-39 27:29.4 27:35.7 43 40 6
10481 Elena Papina F 46 40-49 27:58.0 28:04.0 44 4 3 40-49 F 3
10448 Susana Cerritelli F 52 50-59 28:13.6 28:15.9 45 5 1 50-59 F 1
10436 Amy Tucci F 50 50-59 28:32.2 28:33.6 46 6 2 50-59 F 2
10443 Ryan Dalbec M 15 13-19 0:28:34.5 0:28:35.9 47 41 20
10468 Aina Puig F 14 13-19 0:28:38.2 0:28:41.4 48 7 1 13-19 F 1
10480 Massimo Morreale M 14 13-19 0:28:51.9 0:28:53.5 49 42 21
10440 David Whitesell M 29 20-29 0:28:37.6 0:29:03.8 50 43 3 20-29 M 3
10582 Glen Savory M 44 40-49 0:28:52.9 0:29:04.6 51 44 3 40-49 M 3
10504 Marco Sequeira M 11 12 & U 0:29:08.5 0:29:09.8 52 45 4
10489 Jonathan Foley M 54 50-59 0:29:24.9 0:29:41.1 53 46 8
10586 James Wiseman M 70 70-79 0:29:49.6 0:29:57.4 54 47 1 70-79 M 1
10458 David Fenton M 46 40-49 0:29:59.8 0:30:03.4 55 48 4
10545 Emmanuel Ogundipe M 12 12 & U #N/A 0:30:27.0 56 49 5
10561 Caitlin Murphy F 18 13-19 0:30:24.6 0:30:27.8 57 8 2 13-19 F 2
10572 Nancy Glass F 34 30-39 0:30:25.4 0:30:35.8 58 9 1 30-39 F 1
10505 Jason Peckenpaugh M 34 30-39 0:30:26.5 0:30:35.9 59 50 7
10520 Megan May F 14 13-19 0:30:27.7 0:30:36.9 60 10 3 13-19 F 3
10519 Catherine May F 47 40-49 #N/A 0:30:39.1 61 11 4
10444 Bill Dalbec M 47 40-49 0:30:41.3 0:30:46.5 62 51 5
10544 John Sheahan M 38 30-39 0:30:43.5 0:30:48.7 63 52 8
10559 Sharon Frey F 54 50-59 0:30:43.7 0:30:49.2 64 12 3 50-59 F 3
10517 Sara Jacobson F 28 20-29 0:30:39.0 0:30:49.8 65 13 2 20-29 F 1
10507 Carsten Oblaender M 49 40-49 0:30:49.5 0:30:56.3 66 53 6
10479 Peter Morreale M 42 40-49 0:30:51.7 0:30:58.8 67 54 7
10478 Laura Morreale F 43 40-49 0:31:06.9 0:31:13.5 68 14 5
10562 John Moniz M 56 50-59 0:31:38.9 0:31:48.6 69 55 9
10553 Dennis Price M 52 50-59 0:31:49.2 0:31:53.9 70 56 10
10503 Pilar Sequeira F 52 50-59 0:31:58.6 0:32:01.2 71 15 4
10455 Leo Eskin M 53 50-59 0:31:50.7 0:32:03.9 72 57 11
10540 Lawrence Hamm M 61 60-69 0:31:52.6 0:32:07.5 73 58 2 60-69 M 2
10508 Richard Foley M 55 50-59 0:31:57.5 0:32:14.3 74 59 12
10568 George Jansen M 56 50-59 0:31:48.0 0:32:20.0 75 60 13
10564 Anna Moniz F 12 12 & U 0:32:20.0 0:32:20.5 76 16 1 12 & U F 1
10485 Bill Monahan M 47 40-49 0:32:22.3 0:32:29.7 77 61 8
10488 Will Monahan M 9 12 & U 0:32:27.3 0:32:29.7 78 62 6
10590 Matthew Kline M 22 20-29 0:32:29.3 0:32:38.7 79 63 4
10557 Marketa Nicholson F 35 30-39 0:33:36.8 0:33:52.7 80 17 2 30-39 F 2
10486 Nathaniel Monahan M 12 12 & U 0:33:57.1 0:33:59.6 81 64 7
10566 Nancy Kylis F 54 50-59 0:34:26.6 0:34:37.9 82 18 5
10581 Paul Cummins M 51 50-59 0:34:33.6 0:34:42.0 83 65 14
10587 Stephen Haaga M 52 50-59 0:34:27.2 0:34:42.4 84 66 15
10580 Michael Savory M 14 13-19 0:34:42.9 0:34:44.1 85 67 22
10469 Sally Sullivan F 53 50-59 0:34:24.7 0:34:45.2 86 19 6
10499 Randolph Hopkins Jr. M 33 30-39 0:35:15.2 0:35:24.6 87 68 9
10585 Christopher Wyvill M 81 80+ 0:35:15.2 0:35:29.1 89 70 1 80+ M 1
10499 Randolph Hopkins Jr. M 33 30-39 0:35:15.2 0:35:24.6 87 68 9
10512 Nancy Lorentz F 49 40-49 0:35:34.1 0:35:47.9 90 20 6
10513 Andrew Lorentz M 50 50-59 0:35:34.5 0:35:48.0 91 71 16
10521 Leslie Watt M 52 50-59 0:35:49.0 0:35:57.9 92 72 17
10495 James Mwombela M 44 40-49 0:35:51.9 0:35:58.5 93 73 9
10451 Nate Roderer M 13 13-19 0:36:00.3 0:36:01.9 94 74 23
10573 Sarah Van Dell F 30 30-39 0:35:55.1 0:36:05.0 95 21 3 30-39 F 3
10577 Bracklinn Williams F 8 12 & U #N/A 0:36:54.3 96 22 2 12 & U F 2
10533 Mary Pham F 48 40-49 0:36:56.2 0:37:09.1 97 23 7
10432 Margaret Johnston F 11 12 & U 0:36:59.1 0:37:14.4 98 24 3 12 & U F 3
10456 Kathy Alexander F 60 60-69 0:37:12.7 0:37:25.6 99 25 1 60-69 F 1
10445 Howard Riddick M 65 60-69 0:37:23.0 0:37:35.4 100 75 3 60-69 M 3
10430 Ann Johnston F 44 40-49 0:38:01.6 0:38:16.9 101 26 8
10459 Solomon Fenton M 12 12 & U 0:38:19.2 0:38:19.8 102 76 8
10429 Murray Johnston M 44 40-49 0:38:01.6 0:38:22.4 103 77 10
10523 Luisa Watt F 11 12 & U 0:39:01.7 0:39:10.5 104 27 4
10475 Harry Daley-Young M 12 12 & U #N/A 0:39:31.2 105 78 9
10466 Emmanuel Ogundipe M 50 50-59 0:39:31.6 0:39:34.8 106 79 18
10534 Esther Rodriguez F 46 40-49 0:39:33.4 0:39:37.6 107 28 9
10584 Louis Silvano M 57 50-59 0:39:39.9 0:39:47.9 108 80 19
10554 Kevin Eastridge M 13 13-19 0:39:54.9 0:39:57.9 109 81 24
10471 Paul Sullivan M 60 60-69 0:40:14.1 0:40:25.0 110 82 4
10493 Kathleen Hamm F 58 50-59 0:40:14.1 0:40:26.3 111 29 7
10524 Maria Siravo F 60 60-69 0:40:42.8 0:41:05.3 112 30 2 60-69 F 2
10510 Richard Samp M 59 50-59 0:42:26.8 0:42:31.4 113 83 20
10515 Susan Lawrence F 43 40-49 0:44:39.6 0:44:53.9 114 31 10
10492 Kathleen Healy F 62 60-69 0:46:47.5 0:46:58.9 115 32 3 60-69 F 3
10483 Nancy Recchia F 58 50-59 0:49:40.8 0:50:00.5 116 33 8
10497 Bethann Mwombela F 13 13-19 0:50:04.3 0:50:08.4 117 34 4
10498 Paul Mwombela M 8 12 & U 0:50:06.5 0:50:10.5 118 84 10
10457 Donna Blades F 62 60-69 0:50:12.6 0:50:31.8 119 35 4
10578 Laurel McFarland F 48 40-49 0:50:13.6 0:50:31.8 120 36 11
10563 Karen Moniz F 52 50-59 0:51:28.0 0:51:51.5 121 37 9
10542 Peter Whitesell M 51 50-59 0:51:55.1 0:52:21.0 122 85 21
10452 Kim Carroll F 59 50-59 0:52:42.1 0:53:03.3 123 38 10

Upcoming Events

DCRRC Valentine’s Day 10K Run and 20K Relay
Sun, Feb 16th, 2025, @8:00am
RRCA Club Challenge 10M
Sun, Feb 23rd, 2025, @8:00am
DCRRC Belle Haven 8K
Sun, Mar 2nd, 2025, @8:00am
2025 Annual Meeting & Club Banquet
Sun, Mar 2nd, 2025, @5:00pm
Book Club
Sun, Mar 16th, 2025, @4:00pm
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The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.