Members & Guests:
Whether it's a Fall marathon or a faster 5K you are training for, the following workouts will help get you there. Train smart during the hottest nights during the summer (hydrate, adjust your pace) and you will be ready for the Fall. See you at the track! Coach Ed
July 6: 8 x 600M @ 5K pace. Do these as sets of two. After first 600M, jog 200M recovery. After the second, jog 400M recovery. Repeat 3 more times. (Perfectly okay to do 6 repeats as well). (Coach Ed absent)
July 13: 4 - 6 x 800M @ 5K pace. The Bastille Day 4-Miler is the following night, so do fewer repeats if you are racing. If you are not racing and the weather cooperates, work these 800s pretty hard. (Coach Ed absent)
July 20: NO WORKOUT! DCRRC BLUEMONT 5K @ BLUEMONT PARK.Race this one if you can - it is a fast course and will be a good indictator of current fitness.
July 27: 12-20 x 400M @ 10K pace, 100M recovery. Do first couple of repeats on slow side, and gradually pick up pace so you can complete the workout comfortably.
August 3: 10 x 500M @5K pace. 300M recovery. This is day after DCRRC S. Thompson 8K; those who raced should do fewer repeats, slower pace.
August 10:2 x15:00 @ tempo-pace (10M - 13.1M pace). 2:30 recovery. Day after Paul Thurston 4.5M; those racing can use this as a recovery workout, no set pace.
August 17:5 x 1000M @ 5K pace, slow 400M recovery (use lanes 7-8 on recovery lap to extend distance).
August 23 (NOTE CHANGE TO TUESDAY NIGHT!):Ladders! 400M (200M recovery) - 600M (200M recovery) - 800M (400M recovery) - 1000M (slow 400M recovery) - 800M (400M recovery) - 600M (200M recovery) - 400M (200M recovery) - 200M. Start @ 10K pace, by first 800M, accelerate to 5K pace and maintain through end of workout. Final 200M sprint!
August 30 (NOTE CHANGE TO TUESDAY NIGHT!):2 x 20:00 Tempo Run. 2:30 timed recovery. Cosch Ed will be absent.
September 6 (NOTE CHANGE TO TUESDAY NIGHT): 3 -4 x 1-mile @ 10K pace. 400M recovery. Finish with 2 x 400M, 5K pace, 200M recovery.
September 14:6 - 8 x 800M @ 5K pace, 400M recovery.
September 21:3-4 x 2000M @ 10K pace; 400M recovery.
September 27 (NOTE CHANGE TO TUESDAY NIGHT) :Ladder: 1000M - 800M - 600M - 400M - 400M - 600M - 800M - 1000M. 400M recovery after all. 10K pace down the ladder, 5K pace going back up. (For shorter workout, skip the final 1000M).