SLR: 16 Miles Ross Drive

Hello Saturday Long Runners!

Sorry for the delay in updating the website, we've now got runs planned out to the end of April (though I anticipate a few will change based on when the lovely flowers in the area decide to bloom). You know what they say, early March showers bring April flowers and we'll be getting plenty of those tomorrow morning. I won't sugarcoat it, upper 40s and raining isn't generally the nicest weather, but it'll be great practice for your spring races and a good opportunity to figure out what the heck to wear in this kind of weather (I'm partial to a rainjacket and ball cap but to each their own). Now let's get into it:

The Route: After having to miss it earlier this cycle, we're doing Ross Drive (strava, pdf, gpx) by popular demand! Due to the rainy conditions, we will not be taking the Lover's Lane/Dumbarton Oaks trail and will instead be running up Rock Creek Park (which yes, make this a 15.5ish mile run instead of 14). When we get to Beach Drive, we'll head straight up until we hit Military Road, where we'll make a left onto Ross Drive then Ridge Road to come back down Rock Creek Park the same way we came.

Want Something Shorter? An out and back in Rock Creek park is the way to go! If you're looking for around 12 and want a loop, a reverse Piney Branch will do the trick (however with the rain I can't say I'd recommend streetlight hopping for that many miles, but to each their own).

Need a Longer Route? Running extra Ross Drive loops will get you around 3.6 miles each, so adding on in those increments is a breeze. Otherwise returning over the Memorial Bridge instead of Key will get you a couple more miles as well, if you're looking for more but less. Trying to do a marathon tomorrow because you entered that Tokyo lottery and forgot about it until they emailed you saying it was starting and now you need to run that far? A loop of Ross Ridge then continuing up Rock Creek Park and doing the Big Loop will get you a little over 24. Head across Memorial Bridge instead of Key Bridge for your last additional miles and cross your fingers for the drawing!

Thirsty? The water fountains at Peirce (yes it's spelled like that) Mill are always a good go-to in a pinch. The water falling from the sky is also mostly potable, but bringing your own tomorrow is a better idea!

Need a Bathroom? Peirce Mill is also a lifesaver in that regard and better yet we'll hit both their bathrooms twice, once before and once after the Ross Drive loop.

Signups for the Banquet are open and we have a fantastic lineup of speakers for the event. Come out next Sunday March 10th and hear Hope Seck, Sean Hicks, Lauren Firey, Jerry McEnerney, and myself give some rapid fire talks about running, life, and much more! The next club race is Sunday's Burke Lake 12K and we are in desperate need of volunteers for the event. Please help out if you can!

Happy Running!


 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.