Iwo Jima Memorial

Welcome! This is the home of the world-famous (well, maybe locally well-known) SLR.

Our start time is at 7:00 AM for the rest of the summer. Every Saturday we meet at North Meade Street Park, a small park northwest of the USMC War Memorial (Iwo Jima Memorial) in Rosslyn. The closest address for mapping purposes is 1300 Arlington Blvd, and street parking is available in the neighborhoods adjacent to N. Meade Street. Be mindful of parking signs, since Arlington County enforces them enthusiastically, and please do not park on Marine Memorial Circle (inside Iwo Jima), because this parking area is for memorial use only. At least one porta-john is available year-round near the Iwo Jima Memorial, and the memorial's water fountain is usually on during the summer.

We run rain or shine! In cases of extreme weather (snow, ice, thunderstorms, heat waves) we do occasionally either change our meeting time or cancel the run for safety, but the run will be held as planned unless otherwise posted via email/twitter/facebook and here on the SLR web page.

All are welcome! We're an informal group, and there are no requirements for speed, racing experience, or what distance means "long" for you, other than the suggested route that most of our group will be running each week. If you don't want to run the same distance or course as the main group, you can go out for half of your own target distance and re-trace your steps back to Iwo Jima. More specific route info and mileage options will be given in the email/post preceding each Saturday's run. SLR always features a run from our extensive Route Catalog, which gives us a wide range of options to keep things fresh for you each week. We have routes that are flat, hilly, looped, out & back, roads, sidewalks, trails, and more, reaching all around the local area of DC, VA, and MD!

For more details about Saturday Long Runs please read our Frequently Asked Questions to get a sense for what it's like to run with us, or send an email to Anna if you have any other questions that are not covered.

To receive weekly SLR updates via email, please log in and check your email subscriptions.


Date Miles Route Map Navigation Downloads Post/Mid-Run Beverages
7/6 12 Pentagon Army Navy  Cue Sheet & GPS Christie & Rodrigo Mid: Maura M.
7/13 14 Capitol Hains  Cue Sheet & GPS Christie & Rodrigo
7/20 12 C&O Canal OaB  Cue Sheet & GPS Christie & Rodrigo
7/27 14 Ross Drive  Cue Sheet & GPS  Julie Powell
8/3 16 Battery Kemble Cue Sheet & GPS Yared A.
8/10 18 Rock Creek MBT Cue Sheet & GPS Yared A.
8/17 13 Southeast DC Cue Sheet & GPS Yared A.
8/24 16 The Awakening Cue Sheet & GPS  
8/31 17 Arlington Triangle Cue Sheet & GPS  

SLR Update

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick reminder that this Saturday's route is out-and-back on the C&O Canal. I will not be bringing cue sheets on Saturday b/c it is really straight-forward to get to the canal.

Here is the cue sheet in case anyone wants to look at it:
http://www.dcroadru nners.org/ longrun/routes/ COCanal.html

The official route is 18 miles.....but, clearly, not everyone has to run that far or that short (everyone is encouraged to turn around when they so desire :))
Note that the mile markers on the C&O canal match up nicely with the distance from Iwo Jima. So, if you run out to mile marker # 9, you have run 9 miles and if you make it all the way back to Iwo Jima (which I hope you do :)), you will have a total of 18 miles.

One key piece of information that people may need for determining how far they are going to run (or how many stealth miles they will do before SLR) is the location of the water stop!

The mid-point water stop will be at about mile marker #7 on the trail (which is conveniently 7 miles from Iwo Jima). So, if you are running 18 miles, you will hit the water at mile 7 and mile 11.

Thanks in advance to Lana Leung for providing the mid-point beverages and Mary Ellen Seale (or is Lynn Addington subbing for her?---let's thank them both :)) for providing the post-run beverages!

See you Saturday,

July 28th Route Update

Hello Everyone,

I realize that there is a bit of "concern" about this Saturday's SLR route given the poison ivy outbreak after the last time we ran on the Glover Archbold Trail.

I just ran on the trail yesterday morning and it is clear--i.e. no trees are down and you can easily run on the trail without having to physically touch any plant matter on the edges of the trail.

So, I am NOT going to change the route for this weekend. The official SLR route will be the 13.5 mile Glover-Mass- Capital Crescent Route:
http://www.dcroadru nners.org/ longrun/routes/ GloverMassCresce nt.html

That said, I absolutely understand that some folks rightfully feel weary of running on Glover again after the poison ivy craziness.
So, I am going to suggest that anyone who does not feel comfortable running on the Glover trail do an out-and-back route on the Capital Crescent trail instead:
http://www.dcroadru nners.org/ longrun/routes/ CapitalCrescent. html

To get about 13.5 to 14 miles on the Capital Crescent trail, you should run from Iwo Jima to between mile marker 5.0 and 4.5 and turn around and return to Iwo Jima.

I have asked Kevin D'Amanda, who is doing the midpoint water stop, to place the water stop on the Capital Crescent Trail where the trail goes over Mass. Avenue so that people running BOTH routes can get refreshments.
This will be between mile markers 5.5 and 5.0 (closer to 5.0) on the trail:
http://www.cctrail. org/map5. htm

A few suggestions for trail running for those of you who plan to run on the Glover trail. Knowing that there is poison ivy near the trail, I highly recommend that folks run single file so that no one is brushing up against the surrounding plant matter. This will also help to prevent people from tripping or falling. Be sure to leave some room between you and the person in front of you so that you can see the terrain ahead of you and be able to move/react accordingly.
Don't run too fast on the trail! This is not a race :)
This route is perfectly designed for a negative split (i.e. running the second 1/2 slower than the first)....so take your time on the first 1/2 of the trail--avoiding poison ivy and staying upright :) And then you can conquer the hills of Mass. Ave....and then cruise back to Iwo Jima on the Capital Crescent Tail.

If you have any questions/concerns, please let me know but I think having the two routes that BOTH hit the midpoint water stops should please everyone!

Be sure to congratulate Kevin D'Amanda on a spectacular performance at the Lake Placid Ironman when you see him at the midpoint beverage stop :)

And be sure to thank Brian Danza for doing the post-run beverages for the month of July.....

Hope to see you all on Saturday,

July 28th Route Update

Hello Everyone,

I realize that there is a bit of "concern" about this Saturday's SLR route given the poison ivy outbreak after the last time we ran on the Glover Archbold Trail.

I just ran on the trail yesterday morning and it is clear--i.e. no trees are down and you can easily run on the trail without having to physically touch any plant matter on the edges of the trail.

So, I am NOT going to change the route for this weekend. The official SLR route will be the 13.5 mile Glover-Mass- Capital Crescent Route:
http://www.dcroadru nners.org/ longrun/routes/ GloverMassCresce nt.html

That said, I absolutely understand that some folks rightfully feel weary of running on Glover again after the poison ivy craziness.
So, I am going to suggest that anyone who does not feel comfortable running on the Glover trail do an out-and-back route on the Capital Crescent trail instead:
http://www.dcroadru nners.org/ longrun/routes/ CapitalCrescent. html

To get about 13.5 to 14 miles on the Capital Crescent trail, you should run from Iwo Jima to between mile marker 5.0 and 4.5 and turn around and return to Iwo Jima.

I have asked Kevin D'Amanda, who is doing the midpoint water stop, to place the water stop on the Capital Crescent Trail where the trail goes over Mass. Avenue so that people running BOTH routes can get refreshments.
This will be between mile markers 5.5 and 5.0 (closer to 5.0) on the trail:
http://www.cctrail. org/map5. htm

A few suggestions for trail running for those of you who plan to run on the Glover trail. Knowing that there is poison ivy near the trail, I highly recommend that folks run single file so that no one is brushing up against the surrounding plant matter. This will also help to prevent people from tripping or falling. Be sure to leave some room between you and the person in front of you so that you can see the terrain ahead of you and be able to move/react accordingly.
Don't run too fast on the trail! This is not a race :)
This route is perfectly designed for a negative split (i.e. running the second 1/2 slower than the first)....so take your time on the first 1/2 of the trail--avoiding poison ivy and staying upright :) And then you can conquer the hills of Mass. Ave....and then cruise back to Iwo Jima on the Capital Crescent Tail.

If you have any questions/concerns, please let me know but I think having the two routes that BOTH hit the midpoint water stops should please everyone!

Be sure to congratulate Kevin D'Amanda on a spectacular performance at the Lake Placid Ironman when you see him at the midpoint beverage stop :)

And be sure to thank Brian Danza for doing the post-run beverages for the month of July.....

Hope to see you all on Saturday,

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 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.