Fellow Endorphin Junkies
Please arrive at Greebriar Park (Yorktown Track) early, say 5:40, so you can warm up prior to our 6 AM start of speed intervals. The weather could be challenging in the morning, with temps in the lower-70s, high 90% humidity and a chance of rain or storms. When conditions are like this, bring plenty of fluids to hydrate – we aren't used to these temps and humidity yet! I expect heart rates in the mid-80 percent range, and if it gets higher, slow down! There is a wide range of intervals tomorrow – 12 to 20. Most of us will do more than 12, but only the hard core will approach 20 – think about where you are in your training and racing schedule before you choose how many intervals, and as usual, adjust given the conditions and how you are feeling in the AM.
One quick note – this may be the last TMBC at Yorktown until August, as they expect to start the resurfacing next Monday – I will let you know if that happens and our contingency plan – probably run at W&L High School in Arlington on Stratford Street!
June 6, 2024 – 12 to 20 x 400m in 10k Pace, with 100m jogs
Stallions: 5:30 to 6:30 Pace, 16 to 20 Intervals
Wolf Pack: 6:30 to 7:15 Pace, 14 to 18 Intervals
Gazelles: 7:15 to 8:00 Pace, 14 to 16 Intervals
Coyotes/MTP Trainees: 8:00 to 10:00 Pace, 12 to 16 Intervals
As Ed always says, the focus here is on 10K pace – actual 10k pace, not what you WISH your 10k pace was or should be. The first couple of 400s should feel downright easy. Keep close tabs on your time for each 400 and for each recovery 100. If you find yourself slowing down appreciably, either stop the workout, or at least adjust your pace so that you can finish at least 12 repeats. For those of you training through, slow down your jogs until you can maintain a good, steady, similar time for the 100m jog intervals, and you will find these are much more helpful to your training. You should also focus on your form – get up on your toes and Lift your knees!
... and the Coach Big Guy Report –
Only one race reported this week – hope to have a lot more after the Club race this week - Paul Ryan - The Admiral - won his AG at the Starkids 5k in Fairfax in 24:49 on a very hilly course. Well done Paul!
The next club race is the Woman's Distance Festival 5k/Run after the Women 5k at Bon Air Park this Sunday June 9 at 8:00 AM. To sign up to run or volunteer – Paul still needs a few volunteers - for the race go to https://www.dcroadrunners.org/ÂÂ .
Coach Big Guy will see you at Yorktown Track at 6 AM after warmup tomorrow!