Fellow Endorphin Junkies
There will be NO Thursday Morning DCRRC Track Practice in Arlington at the Yorktown High School track tomorrow. Instead, those of you who can, should try to run a Turkey Trot somewhere – and if you are in town, you can run the Club's biggest fund raiser – the Alexandria Turkey Trot 5 Miler – which Coach Big Guy will be doing.
The Club has always supported and run the Alexandria Turkey Trot, and you can sign up for the Five Miler here:https://www.alexandriaturkeytrot.com/ - the proceeds from this run support Alive, an Alexandria charity helping the poor, and the Club. They also ask that we bring canned goods with us to help the needy.
As for Thanksgiving itself, Mrs. Big Guy and I want to tell you all that we give thanks every day for the wonderful people we met through the DCRRC and TMBC – you all light up our lives!
The weather in Arlington tomorrow will be clear in the morning and a bit chilly at 44 degrees, lower humidity, and wind gusts of up to 15 mph, so pretty nice weather for a race.
November 23, 2023 – No TMBC, so Alexandria Turkey Trot 5 Miler, or whatever race – Real or Virtual - you can find where you are tomorrow!
In Club news from Coach Rich -
Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving in advance to all of our Thursday morning faithful. Some nice results from last weekend ...
Brian Young clocked a 20:36 at the Jennifer Bush-Lawson 5K. This was good for 1st OA Master.
Paul Ryan ran the Marine Corps Turkey Trot 5K on a shortened 2.83 mile course. He averaged 7:43 / mile so he's still got it. Well done Paul!
Jack Phillips is pretty happy with his 2:54:05 PR and BQ at the Philadelphia Marathon. We are all super happy for you Jack.
Spend Yourself 5K
30:51 - Lisa Towell
27:01 - Anne Coia 1st AG
28:16 - Eunja Rau
At the Backyard Burn 10.6M with over 1500 feet of climbing
1:29:46 - Tatyana Steis 2nd OAF
1:41:00 - Dexter Steis
Congrats to all of you!
The next club race is the Alexandria Turkey Trot 5M tomorrow. Still time to run or volunteer, go to https://www.alexandriaturkeytrot.com/.
Registration is now open for the Snowball Series races and of course for the Predictions & Resolutions 5K at noon on New Year's Day. Please sign up to run or volunteer at dcroadrunners.org.
Happy running!
Coach Big Guy and Coach Rich hope to see some of you at the Turkey Trot tomorrow in Alexandria!