Thursday Morning Track

Identical to Wednesday night track workouts. This is simply an alternative to those that cannot make Wednesday night or prefer morning running. The workouts each week are designed by Coach Ed who leads the Wednesday night group and can be found on the Wednesday night track workouts.  

Group leaders for this workout are Coach Stephen "Big Guy" Easley and Coach Rich Mendelowitz.  Both are USATF and RRCA certified coaches. Thursday morning Track Workouts are held at the Yorktown High School track. The Address is 5201 N. 28th Street in Arlington, and the track is around the corner from the school on N. Greenbrier in the Football Stadium. The workout starts promptly at 6:00 AM. Most people arrive to do an easy warm-up together starting around 5:40 and then all do an easy one mile cool-down together after the workout.

Sign up here to receive email announcements.

Questions can be emailed to Coach Big Guy or Coach Rich.

Thursday Morning Track - 2 x 20 min tempo intervals

Hi Everyone. With any luck this will be the last Thursday of summer this year. Gonna be real warm and sticky so make sure and bring water, Gatorade or whatever you beverage of choice is. Workout is 2 x 20min tempo intervals with a 3-minute rest between them. This is a great workout for those running the MCM or any of the later Fall Marathons.

As always we will start the workout at 6AM sharp so please get there in advance to be warmed up.

Some fabulous race results from this past weekend at multiple races ...

Huge congrats to Andrew Simpson who posted a 2:57:51 at the St. George Marathon in Utah. This was a PR and of course a BQ. Andrew has been chasing that sub-3 for a while now and was just ecstatic.

Another HUGE PR for Christine Westcott at the BAA HM in Boston. Her time of 1:31:59 gave her the BAA Distance Medley Championship for the 45-49 AG. This combined the BAA 5K, 10K and HM. Congrats once again to Christine!

PRs for everyone our crew that ran in Chicago. Another HUGE CONGRATS to all of you ...

2:54:44 - Rodrigo Vellon
3:00:45 - Christie Wetzel
3:20:24 - CaSandra DeGrauwe
3:21:47 - Carrie Dunn

At the Army Ten Miler we had to endure pretty tough warm and humid conditions. That said our DCRRC All Comers Team with Liz on it took 2nd place and the Masters Mixed Team I ran on took 3rd place (no help from me) ...

1:07:30 - Liz Ozeki
1:12:22 - Arielle Weiner
1:19:06 - Kevin Cunningham
1:24:20 - Rich Mendelowitz
1:44:03 - Clara Lau

DC Road Runners Club October Happy Hour is set for the 25th at Ireland's Four Courts starting at 6:30PM. Bunion Derby Awards will be part of this event and we have several winners representing the Thursday morning faithful. I hope to see many of you there.

It will be just me at in the morning as Big Guy is on travel this week and next. Look forward to seeing you there.



6 to 10 x 800m in 5k Pace, 400m jogs

Fellow Endorphin Junkies:

The weather tomorrow will be just a bit warmer than last week with Temps at 66 degrees but much higher humidity at 99%, with almost no wind at 1 MPH and only 10% chance of rain, so you better remember to bring fluids to replace those we will lose!

Accordingly, the Thursday Morning DCRRC Track Practice in Arlington will begin at the Yorktown High School track tomorrow at 6:00 AM sharp, with announcements before 6 - so please get there early to warm up. Workout as follows:

October 4, 2018 - 6 to 10 x 800m at 5K ("interval") Pace, w/400m easy jogs in between

Water breaks are important ALL year round, especially when it very humid like tomorrow, so remember to hydrate before, during and after your runs – tomorrow after each interval!

NOTE: I expect to see your heart rates in the High 80% of Maximum range, but if your rates are higher, you need to slow down!

Stallions: 5:45 to 6:30 Pace, 8 to 10 Intervals

Wolf Pack: 6:30 to 6:45 Pace, 7 to 9 Intervals

Gazelles: 6:55 to 7:15 Pace, 6 to 8 Intervals

Coyotes/MTP Trainees: 7:15 to 10:00 Pace, 6 to 8 Intervals

Chicago Bound – If you are feeling up to it, a little shake out tomorrow is fine, with 4 x 400 at just a bit faster than Marathon pace, with 200m easy jogs recovery.

This week's workout is a tough speed workout - essentially running a 5k, or a 5k plus another 1000 or two, so it will be a challenge, and luckily we have decent weather. Since you will be going fairly all out, be especially focused on good form - up on your toes, knees lifting, core sill, slight lean, eyes forward, and perhaps most importantly, hands at your side to help smoothly lift your knees - no crossing over or chicken wings. Also, no fists (imagine Pringles or an egg in your hand and you don't want to crush them)!

In Club news from Coach Rich ...

At the Wineglass Marathon Mary Kusler turned in a real nice 3:53:03. Congrats Mary!

At the Navy Mile run down Pennsylvania Avenue in DC, Christine Westcott ran a time of 6:02, which was good for a PR and 2nd in her AG. Congrats on yet another PR this year Christine!

At the National Capital 5M Katie and George Sprinkel finished 3rd and 4th OA. Katie's time was 36:24 and George followed close behind in 36:44. Way to go Sprinkel family!

This Sunday is the Army Ten Miler. If you are running please stop by our DC Road Runners Hooah Tent (here.) after the race for food and drink hang out with fellow club members.

DC Road Runners Club October Happy Hour is set for the 25th at Ireland's Four Courts starting at 6:30PM. Bunion Derby Awards will be part of this event and we have several winners representing the Thursday morning faithful. I hope to see many of you there.

Coach Big Guy will be at practice tomorrow with Coach Rich!


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 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.