Thursday Morning Track

Identical to Wednesday night track workouts. This is simply an alternative to those that cannot make Wednesday night or prefer morning running. The workouts each week are designed by Coach Ed who leads the Wednesday night group and can be found on the Wednesday night track workouts.  

Group leaders for this workout are Coach Stephen "Big Guy" Easley and Coach Rich Mendelowitz.  Both are USATF and RRCA certified coaches. Thursday morning Track Workouts are held at the Yorktown High School track. The Address is 5201 N. 28th Street in Arlington, and the track is around the corner from the school on N. Greenbrier in the Football Stadium. The workout starts promptly at 6:00 AM. Most people arrive to do an easy warm-up together starting around 5:40 and then all do an easy one mile cool-down together after the workout.

Sign up here to receive email announcements.

Questions can be emailed to Coach Big Guy or Coach Rich.

4 x 1200m w/400m recovery jogs

Fellow Endorphin Junkies:

The weather tomorrow will be just as cold as last week with Temps at 29 degrees and lower humidity at 61%, with less wind at 4 MPH (so a "real feel" in the low 20s), but still remember to bring fluids because you need them as much in the winter as in the summer!

Accordingly, the Thursday Morning DCRRC Track Practice in Arlington will begin at the Yorktown High School track tomorrow at 6:00 AM sharp, with announcements before 6 - so please get there early to warm up. Workout as follows:

December 6, 2018: 4 x 1200m in Tempo Interval to Cruise Interval Pace (10m to 10k pace) - with 400m jog recovery in between

• Stallions: 6:00 to 6:45 Pace
• Wolf Pack: 6:30 to 7:15 Pace
• Gazelles: 7:15 to 8:00 Pace
• Coyotes/MTP Trainees: 7:45 to 10:30 Pace

This is a less familiar workout, but given next weeks FAST Holiday/Festivus Relays (Smokin 400s), we want you to take it easier this week. These 1200s are meant to build mostly endurance. While the 400m recovery jog should be sufficient to recover from these 1200s, if you head out at 10k pace from the start you will tire quickly and you won't get the less stressful workout we want this week before the Bread Run/Holiday Relays/Gar Williams stretch over an 8 day period, with you just recovered from marathons, so don't push it too hard.

While some of you may be travelling on the Martin Luther King holiday weekend, Mrs. Big Guy and I wanted to know if enough of you will be around to celebrate the end of the Fall season and beginning of Winter – a sort of "Winter Solstice" gathering of the TMBC on January 19th – please let me know by email if you will be around. There may be some awards, but mostly, a lot of good cheer and fellowship.

Here is the Coach Rich Club News this week:

Congrats to Bonnie Harvey posting a time of 21:18 at the Run with Santa 5K in Reston. This was good for 3rd AG. Way to go Bonnie!

Reminder, no track work next Thursday morning next week instead we need you at the annual holiday relays on Wednesday night. This is a hugely fun event followed by some food and drinks. It is at W-L track not YHS. Here are the details: . We look forward to seeing you there

This Sunday starts the Snowball Series with the Bread Run 10K on Sunday. The next Sunday is the Gar Williams HM on Dec 16. Gar Williams is almost at max registration so if you want to run and have not registered, do it now. For details and to register go to

Coach Big Guy will be out there tomorrow, but Coach Rich may not make it!


12 x 400m 10k Pace, 100m jog

Fellow Endorphin Junkies:

The weather tomorrow will be much colder with Temps at 29 degrees and lower humidity at 61%, with lots of wind at 11 MPH (so a "real feel" in the teens), but still remember to bring fluids because you need them as much in the winter as in the summer!

Accordingly, the Thursday Morning DCRRC Track Practice in Arlington will begin at the Yorktown High School track tomorrow at 6:00 AM sharp, with announcements before 6 - so please get there early to warm up. Workout as follows:

November 29, 2018: 12 x 400m in Cruise Interval Pace (10k pace) - with 100m jog recovery in between

• Stallions: 6:00 to 6:30 Pace
• Wolf Pack: 6:30 to 7:00 Pace
• Gazelles: 7:00 to 7:45 Pace
• Coyotes/MTP Trainees: 7:45 to 10:00 Pace

These 400m workouts should be quite familiar, as we do them several times each cycle, and it is a good one. These 400s build both speed and endurance. Remember that 100m recovery jog is not sufficient to fully recover from these 400s, so lactic acid and fatigue will build, and therefore you want to pace yourself through these, not going out too fast on the first few. A perfect workout on these has a runner building speed through these intervals, with each just a shade faster than the previous one so that your last 400 is 7 to 10 seconds faster than the first. As always, when you are running 400s, you want to get up on your toes, lift your knees, and lean forward - not from the waist, but a full body lean, of perhaps 8 to 10 degrees.

Here is the Coach Rich Club News this week:

Many Turkey Trotters on Thanksgiving day and congrats to all. I captured some of the results but very sorry if I missed you. I just had no way to find everyone in various results all around the area and country. Again, congrats to all:

Huge congrats to Liz Ozeki for winning the women's race at the Fairfax Turkey Trot 4M in a time of 25:51. Way to go Liz especially coming off Richmond just 10 days earlier!

Alexandria Turkey Trot 5M

32:11 - Kyle Edgerton
34:31 - James Waite, 3rd doggie division with Ducky
35:21 - Paul Ryan, 1st 60-69 (at age 67!)
39:19 - Rich Mendelowitz
39:30 - Mary Kusler
44:24 - Big Guy (Last place, and Least!  So says Coach BG!  ;-)  )

The first two Snowball Series races are coming up on Dec 9, Bread Run 10k and the Gar Williams Half Marathon on Dec 16. For details and to register go to

Mark your calendars for the annual holiday relays on Wednesday night December 12. Here are the details: . This will replace the Thursday morning Track Workout for that week.

Coach Big Guy and Coach Rich will be out there tomorrow!


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 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.