

Welcome to the DC Road Runners Club volunteer page.

We are always looking for volunteers for race directors, training, post-run bevarges stands, and many other positions.


The summer racing season is beginning and we will need volunteers for every race.


Bunion Derby:


Upcoming races include:


June 9: DCRRC Women's Distance Festival and the Run After the Women: Thank you to our volunteers.


June 21: DCRRC Hugh Jascourt 4 Miler. Volunteer here.


July 4: DCRRC Age Graded 4 Miler. Volunteer here


Volunteers are always needed to ensure that our club races are successful.  There are always opportunities to volunteer before the race assisting with registration and course set up as well as after the race helping with course tear down and awards and clean up. 


Other Volunteer Opportunities:



Race Timing and Co-Directing

We are looking for club members interested in gaining experience in timing races as well as co-directing club races or becoming race directors. If interested, please contact Ben


Saturday Long Run Group (SLR)

The Saturday Long Run needs volunteers to provide post-run beverages.  This will count towards your race series volunteer credit and you will be reimbursed. Contact Anna Staats if you are interested.


Please update your profile information by clicking here so we know where we can contact you for help!


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Constant Needs:

We are always looking for Saturday Long Run refreshment volunteers. If you plan to attend SLR for at least 2 consecutive weeks, and haven't volunteered in a while (or at all), please consider helping to support the group (and yourself)! This is a fairly easy job, all you have to do is bring gatorade, water, and cups to SLR on Saturday morning, and the club will reimburse the expenses (think of all the rewards points you can get!)  Please (read: please, please, pretty please) check the SLR Page for dates needed, and e-mail slr@dcroadrunners.org if you are able to help out!


To advertise a volunteer activity, contact Delna Clark.

 DCRRlogotypeRRCA member

The DC Road Runners Club is a member of the Road Runners Club of America and is also affiliated with USA Track & Field. We provide a year-round schedule of running events that offer everyone a chance to participate regardless of age, gender, or athletic ability.